Friday, December 23, 2011

Q1 of Hudson's Life is in the Books

Life has been AMAZING with Hud! It seems like every day he is doing something cuter that tops what he did the day before. I also believe he has done more traveling than any child in the first three months. Emily has been the most amazing momma with him... I on the other hand am still learning. One thing we have learned about Hudson is he loves watching TV. He will sit in front of the tv and watch football for hours. Problem with that is he loves Baylor... our 3 month year old is already thinking of putting in his letter of intent to one of the most expensive schools in Texas.... great!

This week we went to Disney World... before anyone says out loud the thought your thinking, "you took your 3 month year old to Disney World!?!?!", know that he was amazingly awesome! In fact he had a great time! Hudson loved the Peter Pan ride at Magic Kingdom.

As long as he had his monkey blanket, he was loving life the entire time!

Disney World was a blast, we all had a good time!