Saturday, October 22, 2011

He is here!

Hudson Dean Saller is here! He is the most beautiful little boy ever! It's pretty easy to write about him right now because he is sound asleep right next to me. His first month has been very eventful and very exciting!

He was born on September 19, 2011. 7 lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long. It was definitely an exciting day. We were supposed to go in the hospital that Sunday at 10:00pm for Emily to begin the inducement. At 9:00pm we get a call that says there are no empty rooms and they will call us the next morning... what a bummer! It was pretty difficult to sleep that night because we were so tired! The next morning I wake up and come out into the living room to watch TV. At this time we still have not heard from the hospital, until all of a sudden Emily walks outside and says.... I'm not sure but I think my water just broke! That is when the fun began... Mia (Emily's Mom), G (My Mom) and Papi (My Dad) hung out at the hospital for 14 hours of total "excitement"! Emily rocked! She did very well, and everything went very smooth.

The first month has been pretty eventful! For the first week and a half Mia stayed with us to help out. She was AMAZING and such a blessing to have at the house to help! Emily's Dad and sisters came to visit that week as well. It was a fun and exciting week and Hudson loved it! He is such a happy baby!

When Hudson was not even two weeks old we packed up and went to Austin for Jacob's, Emily's brothers wedding. It was a great weekend as well! Hudson did awesome on the drive and throughout the entire weekend. Best part about it was that most of Emily's family got to meet him and spend some time with him.

The next week, my mom came to visit for a week. Same deal, it was a lot of fun and Mom was a huge help! It is so nice to have parents who want to help and be there. Emily and I have mentioned multiple times how blessed we feel.

That weekend we went to Dallas so that Hudson could meet Mom-mom and Grandad and bunch of people on my side of the family! Hudson is turning into an amazing traveler!

Hudson has gotten real into the Rangers with Emily and I. He even dresses the part to watch the games!

This is a funny story. Emily had Bible study one morning and when she woke up to take the dogs outside it was cold so she decided to dress Hudson really warm (which actually I think she was going more for cute then warm). When it was time to leave for Bible study she goes outside and it was 75 degrees. Yes, I definitely gave her a hard time for that one!

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